Friday, March 13, 2009

Everything's ticketyboo

Aren't some words just lovely? And isn't 'ticketyboo' chief among them? A Flanders and Swan kind of word, if ever I heard one. Doesn't saying it instantly lighten your mood?

What about licketysplickly? How fantastic a word is that? And which singer-songwriter managed to get licketysplickly into his song lyrics? (I'm assuming there's just the one, but who knows? Maybe it's a lyrical regular...)

There must be dozens - peripatetic's nice; frilly - I quite like the simplicity of that; perspicacity... Oh, I can feel a visit to the freerice site coming on...


Pat Posner said...

It was that guy who sang a song about Eggs and Sausage, but I don't think licketysplickly was in that one.
Erm - something about an old 55?
Goodness, you're going back yonks, Honeysuckle!


Honeysuckle said...
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Honeysuckle said...

That's the one, Pat - Old 55 by Tom Waits. (I think that's the right title.) Always tickled me that he managed to get a word like that in a song lyric.

Amanda said...

Ooh, there are so many words I like, and ticketyboo is now one of them :-)

Karen said...

I use the word ticketyboo quite a lot, to my children's shame. I also love the word fortuitous for some reason!

Honeysuckle said...

Hi Amanda. Ticketyboo's so much more delicate than its cousin, hunkydory, isn't it?
Fortuituous is a good one, Karen - I kind of picture it going round a corner. I could just be a very strange person.